NASA's infrared Satellite, IRAS in 1983:
Object found – Planet X. NASA renamed ERIS.
Distance from our Sun then - 50 billion miles.
In 1992 – distance from our Sun 7 billion miles.
Historic Name: 'NIBIRU' , also called The Destroyer or, The Frightener. Length of time to
to complete one ecliptical orbit – 3,600 years.
A Text & Video Journal Of Discovery – & Self Education
With Knowledge Comes Responsibility
A broadband connection is recommended for this journey – if you would like to obtain a CD of the videos and auditory links/components to play on your computer, that will be presented in this document, please see the contact details at the end.
My Suggestion: read the entire Blog once, then come back to the start and view the Video Links.
“...Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you.. it is my duty to forewarn you...”
- OLOE 1st June 2008.
"Washinton Post" Report ~ Dec 30th 1983: NASA IRAS - Planet X Nibiru Spotted [very short video]
Please Note: the following information is presented based upon astrological research from scientist, astrologists, private or working inside government agencies, including the FBI, CIA, CERN, NASA, various Military Organisations, the Vatican Observatory, and employees of the S.T.P. ~ the South Pole Telescope , in Antarctica, and other various government sponsored space and astronomy programs around the world, including Japan, and Europe. And especially the “leaked sources” from above named agencies ... we are grateful for these individuals for doing so, risking so much so that – we may be 'forewarned'. Humanity owes you a debt... [All opinions expressed in videos are not all agreed to by this publisher.]
I am also grateful for the heavenly guidance given from tremendous Christian Mystics who have sacrificed themselves for others, to give guidance to a world which lacks more and more any source of authentic Faith, or any moral absolutes that regulate human behavior. May you be Blessed ... for passing onto us this Great Prophetic Warning, from the Heavens, without which the knowledge and implications of the Galactic Alignment , the Precession of the Equinoxes, and the Two Suns with 'Planet X' – would not have been made known, or credible, and available to us. Especially, a Thank You, for the messages from Our Lady Of Emmitsburg, [OLOE], USA. - re June the First 2008. [ through - Gianna Sullivan ].
Introduction To The Consideration
Could Life As We Know It On Earth Be About To Change?
What you are about to read will at first glance fall into the category of the unbelievable “the stuff of fiction”. The impossible, beyond belief. But alas, if one can read with open mind, and search through a little scientific & historical data – presented here ... even if you feel panic, dismay, denial, anger, outrage...over the next few days, weeks, months... that is ok. These feelings have a right to be there, let them be. They will subside for your reason to guide you once more...
The Threat - Jan 26th 1983 NASA discovers A Planet X – In the sector of the constellation called 'Orion'.Jan 26th 1983 NASA discovers the threat VIDEO LINK HERE 2

Powerful primordial fears lie deep within the human psyche. The emotion of anger is always aroused when we feel 'threatened', as it is an instrument, a psychic motor, to help move us to overcome obstacles, that stand between us and what we desire. Allow these feelings if aroused to be there ... however, don't close the door to important truths, just because it is too challenging. Remember persons in the past, the Ancient Egyptians and Hebrews, faced the same issues, and now you and I, like they did, can overcome these to find peace amidst obstacles... so. – always remember : Keep Hope Alive! Develop Your Faith!
SBS World News Australia - "Scientists Discover Planet X"- Feb 28, 2008: VIDEO LINK 3
“...After awhile, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around your solar system, coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation. Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population, as you know it, will cease. Of those who survive, 60% of them could die of disease and starvation... Look not too far before you will see two suns. Make my words known to all people... So prepare, spiritually prepare….God has a special plan, a new beginning!..”
- OLOE 1st June 2008
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PLANET X ~ Some Scientific Proof : VIDEO LINK HERE 4
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Marshall Masters MP3 Talk : Two Suns In Five Years? Free Secular Audio download dated - October 9th 2006 – Audio Link HERE [1 hour]
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- PLANET X From the Egyptians & Hebrews ~ Historical Proof : VIDEO LINK HERE 5
Global Warming: What is The Real Cause: WEBSITE LINK
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PLANET X ~ Surviving The Fly By : VIDEO LINK 6
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Are You Ready? 3 ~ Planet X / NIBIRU - Answers & Facts : VIDEO LINK 7
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Leaked Nibiru Palnet X Photos May 28th, 2008
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CERN And 2012 -Theory Planet X - STEVE WOODS
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... Asteroid, largest dwarf planet ... gives misinformation of projectory...
Just When You Thought Things Could Not Get Any Worse ... Read On!
THE ALIGNMENT OF PLANETS - The "Galactic Alignment"

The Governments of the World are taking all very, very seriously... [The Bush administration has ordered all military bases that can be to be built underground, to be done so by May 2008]. "Google Earth" has been blocked from looking at these facilities.
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The above information on Planet X - Niburu is FACTUAL using astrological and scientific facts as the ultimate proof. Please be open to this information ... their is not that much time left for you to decide what is truly important in your life ...
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NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN ~ It Has All Been Said Before...
Fatima 1917, Portugal - Apparitions Approved by the Catholic Church, in 1930.
Akita 1973, Japan – Apparitions Approved by the local Catholic Church, 1984 Vatican -1988.
For God contains & controls all things and we are coming to a "new beginning on earth "... an Era of Peace, as fore-told by Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, 1917, and in many, so many of her apparitions throughout the world ... Megjugorje /Garabandal / La Sallette / Betania / Rwanda ... She Truly is MOTHER OF ALL PEOPLES.
But first, as she predicted at Fatima, 1917, before the "Era Of Peace and Triumph" is given to the world “...several Nations will be annihilated"! The 12 minute Solar "Miracle Of The Sun", was witnessed by 100,000 people, when it took place on October 13th. 1917. And now the World awaits another great solar phenomena...
In AKITA, Japan: October 13th, 1973 – Our lady of All Nations again predicted:
“…if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge [the great flood, Noah's flood], such as one will never have seen before..." ...."Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead..." - Our Lady Of All Nations Akita, 1973.
This message was also Approved by the Catholic Church as being of 'Divine and Supernatural Origin'. Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI ...who approved the message as being a genuine continuation of the Fatima Message...
Are We Listening to these Heavenly Warnings? These messages are congruent, and eerily telling us a truth that is hard to hear, because it is now sounding so familiar....
On June 1st, 2008 - Our lady Of Emmitsburg gave this Public Message to the World, about the two Suns and the alignment of planets ...to “forewarn” us ... She stated:
"When you see the ‘two suns’ on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before….After a while, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around your solar system..." "..coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation. Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population, as you know it, will cease....Prayer is the answer!...So prepare, spiritually prepare….God has a special plan, a New Beginning!..." ...."I can tell you this: Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you. You must not fear but must be prepared, primarily spiritually..."
Knowing is Power, Understanding is Wisdom! Are You ready?
Peace be to you and with you always ...Only Prayer can mitigate what is to come...
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For reading and considering this information for your reflection. Especially a "Thank You" to the Public Messages to the World from Our Lady Of Emmitsburg & the Eternal Father.
- OLOE 1st June, 2008
The full text of this June 1st message & vital others can found at:
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For thoughts by Theologians on OLOE: Video Documentary: How Credible is the Messenger See the 20 minute Introduction: VIDEO LINK 12
A Mother Never Stops Caring For Her Children In Danger & Peril

See You On The Other Side Of The Fly By...
For A collection of Videos & Audio Presentation on a CD please contact:
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For Non-Catholics having trouble understanding Marian Catholicism, just see the following link on Marian Apologetics, much of which has been written by previous Protestant Theologians, born again Christians... who have "come home" to the Catholic Church.
Also see EWTN Programs - Catholics / Protestants - returning home.

In My Next Post I Hope To Give A SUMMARY Of Planet X / Niburu Facts
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