The Following information was correct as possible at the time writing - dated 27th July 2008.Planet X / Nibiru - or - NASA' named ? 'ERIS'; Asrological community in 2005 called "temporary name 2003-UB-313."
- It's nearest point to earth is supposed to happen between 2010 -2012.
THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION is about NIBURU, and is as fact using Astronomical and scientific facts as the ultimate proof. Please be open to this information... their is not much time left to decide ...for what is truly important in your life...
1982: Scienteist were puzzled? What is causing a "tugging" and pulling on the orbits of Neptune & Uranus. This is called a 'preturbation'.
Some gravitational force keeps preturbing these two giant planets causing
irregularities in their orbits. What could cause this? [in 1982].. they suspected another large planet ..."Planet X".
IRAS ~ Infrared Astronomical Satellite. discovered a very large object in 1983...quote from IRAS Scientist JPL:" As large as the giant planet Jupiter so close to Earth that it would be part of this solar system has been found in the direction of the constellation Orion by an orbiting telescope...
"All I can tell you is that we don't know what it is", said GerryNeugerbauer, chief IRAS scientist...
But all Govermrnts do know about this now, and they're taking bold steps to survive the coming Planet X - Nibiru - flyby, with their powers intact!
They know they cannot save everyone, just those they deem worthy of saving. They have a plan... but do you? Simple things you can set aside today to get you through the difficult years ahead...
FIRST, what is Planet X ~ Nibiru?It is the tenth planet in our solar system, but spends most of the it's time 'extra-solar' , outside our solar space...from the ...dark star system of it's brown dwarf ...
A Planet X 4-8 times the size of our Earth. The current figure generally accepted by science is that planet x/Nibiru is on a 3,600 year elongated (elliptical) solar orbit, around our sun...a permanent Solar Orbit that happens every 3,600 years, passes through out 'Solar Space' on it's 'Fly By' causing great commotion...it will likelypass between Mars & Jupiter, the nearest point to our earth.
It's getting close to our orbit - once every 3,600 years generates numerous climatic changes, one being global warming with its natural consequence - the melting of glaciers. The effects of glaciers melting.
Nibiru wreaks havoc with the earth's axis every second orbital pass... due to the gravational "jolt" that takes place, climate changes,volcanic activity, intesification of seismic activity, ect - this is all of Planet X's effect of getting closer to our solar system.
Niburu's orbital inclination is some 30 dgrees to our to our solar plane or ecliptic. As Niburu cuts through our solar system in retrograde motion to the other planets it sometimes displaces planets causing general havoc in the process.
It's passage is short, taking only a few weeks or months at most after which it dissapears from view. It is a fiery red in color with a debris-filled tail, and circling it are a number of moons [about 5].
Nibiru has been known to be called the winged [or horned] Disc, alsocalled "The Destroyer" or "The Frightener" both by Ancient Egyptian historians and by the Hebrew Prophet Jeremiah chapter 25:32 & 48:8.
Niburu - did a "fly by" during the time of Noah's flood, and at the time of Exodus [10 Plagues of Egypt]. The secular Egyptian historians recorded this.
It returns to our Solar Space every 3,600 years, in it's long ecliptical orbit ...
As Niribu approaches the inner solar system, it will accelerate quickly below the ecliptic, passing behind and below the sun it comes back up from beneath the sun at a 33 degree angle...
NASA is watching NIBIRU now from their SPT ~ South Pole Telescope area in the South Pole - Antartica! It is the Planet X Tracker.
- Will be seen by everyday people by about May 15th 2009 as a faint reddish object [but not by naked eye]. It will be moving up from below Earth's orbit.
This means until then the only way to see Niribu til then is from a very southern location on Earth...with an Infrared Telescope
Photos taken now - 2007 - show - clearly show Niburu...in South Pole.
--> By May 2011, naked eye viewing by all people.[& Panic]
- Dec 21 2012, NIBIRU will pass through the ecliptic plane, seen as a 2nd Sun around the size of our moon.
- Earth Quakes, Mega Tsunamis ?& very bad unpredictable weather will take place...
NASA predicts a sharp increase in the number of sunspots and sun flares for 2012, sure to cause electrical failures and satellite disruptions.
The worst however comes about by Feb. 14th 2013, Earth moves between Niburu and the Sun. Pole shofting/Planetary tilt take splace! Great Earth changes, huge Mega Earth Quakes & Mega Tsunamis world wide!
Huge tracks of land in various countries will be inundated by sea water... for miles and miles ...Volcanoes, floods ...
Geological evidence indicates a time when the earth's magnetic field reversed several times in rapid succession.
Then by July 14th, 2014, Niburu no longer effects our world & moves on and away from our part of the galaxy. NASA knows about NIBIRU, & as not to panic the people with holds the truth of this!
Insiders from NASA, D.o.Defence, National Military Intelligence, S.E.T.I., and the CIA speculate 2/3 of the population of the planet could perish during the coming pole - shift ... caused by the passage of Nibiru!
Another 2/3 of those who survive initally could pass away from starvation and exposure to the elements within 6 months! [That is the world's population is reduced to 20%]!!
Every secretive government agency in the USA is fully aware of what is expected and are readying themselves. The Vatican is fully abreast of what is expected. The public is not being warned and given their chance to prepare!
The volume of leaks form insiders, observatories, and the Vatican is bursting the dam of this disclosure wide open.The most important story in over 3,000 years is fast breaking loose from being held back by the controllers of the financial markets.
These controllers put money in higher regard than human life. The public can be given a chance to prepare by being informed. Many areas of earth are now getting a 'minor' preview of these events to comeright now.
In the Book of Revelations the "sixth seal" deals with "Cosmic Disturbances". Compare the words of the chapter addressing the sixth seal, Rev 6:12-15, with what is predicted during Planet X’s passage...
I hope this little revelation is a cry in the dark to some, and they wake up to this truth!So help your fellow human beings to start looking and opening up their hearts & minds ...there is much more to 'Life' then just this world!
For God contains & controls all things:And we are coming to a "new beginning on earth "... an Era of Peace,as fore-told by Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, 1917, and in many, so many of her apparitions throughout the world ...
But first, as she predicted in Fatima, 1917, before the "Era Of Peace" is given to the world ..."several Nations will be anihilated"!The 12 minute Solar "Miracle Of The Sun" witnessed by 100,000 people took place on October 13th. 1917.[Fatima Message was approved by the Cathoic Church in 1930].
In AKITA, Japan: October 13th, 1973 - She again predicted:“…if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge [the great flood], such as one will never have seen before..."
"Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead..." - Our Lady Of All Nations Akita, 1973.
This was also Approved by the Catholic Chuch as being of 'Divine and Supernatural Origin'. Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI ...approved the message as being genuine...and a continuatuion of the Fatima Message... But there is more, much more ...
On June 1st, 2008 - Our lady Of Emmitsburg gave this Paublic Message to the world, about the two Suns and the alignment of planets ...to forewarn us ...She stated:
“When you see the ‘two suns’ on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before….After a while, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around your solar system..."
"..coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation.
Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population, as you know it, will cease....Prayer is the answer!...So prepare, spiritually prepare….God has a special plan, a New Beginning!..."
"I can tell you this: Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you. You must not fear but must be prepared, primarily spiritually..."
Knowing is Power, Underatanding is Wisdom! Are You ready? Peace be to you and with you always ...Only Prayer can mitigate what is to come...
Develop Your faith - Learn To Pray - Learn About Repentance
Planet X Is Most Likely The 10th Secret of the Medjugorje Messages
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